Reading � Curious machines

Greg Detre

Monday, March 10, 2003


Arkin, Fujita, Takagi, Hasegawa � Sony AIBO article, �An ethological and emotional basis for human-robot interaction�


I don�t understand what role the six basic emotions play in the choice of actions???


could it be something to do with that function relating RM[I], Mot[I] and V[I]???

if so, who cares�

what�s that all about anyway???

how useful is it to associate internal state information with objects???

how exactly is the emotionally-grounded symbol business more interesting than classical conditioning???


Hall & Williams, �Suckling isn't feeding, or is it? A search for developmental continuities�



altricial /<schwa>l"trI<longs>(<schwa>)l/ a.L19. [f. mod.L Altrices, a former division of birds, pl. of altrix fem. of altor nourisher, f. alere nourish: see -IAL.] Zool. (Having young which are) helpless at birth; nidicolous. Cf. PRECOCIAL.

peri'oral a. (Anat.) situated or occurring around the mouth L19.

hypovo'laemia n. (Med.) a decreased volume of circulating blood in the body E20.

anosmia /a"nQzmI<schwa>/ n.E19. [f. AN-5 + Gk osme smell + -IA1.] Med. Loss of the sense of smell.anosmic a. & n. (a person) suffering from anosmia E20.

lordosis /l<revc>:"d<schwa>UsIs/ n. Pl. -doses /-"d<schwa>Usi:z/.E18. [mod.L f. Gk lordosis, f. lordos bent backwards: see - OSIS.]1 Med. (Abnormal) inward curvature of the spine causing increased concavity of the back. Cf. KYPHOSIS, SCOLIOSIS. E18. 2 Zool. A posture assumed by some female mammals during mating, in which the back is arched downwards; the assumption of such a posture. M20.lordotic /-"dQtIk/ a. M19.